About Me

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I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.


Stupid neighbors!

So for the past 6 hours my neighbor has had her dog locked up in the bathroom. And for the past 6 hours the dog has been losing its shit. He's crying, barking and scratching. I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!!! I went over there when I first heard it 6 HOURS AGO and no one was home. I'm pretty sure the dog is still home alone because no body would be able to put up with that.. I mean I'm in the next apartment.. imagine whats its like in that apartment. I feel so bad. I mean ya the dog is annoying but its not the dog's fault its being neglected and locked up in a room all day. I'm really hoping that they come home soon so that I can actually sleep tonight.

I miss my niece Rayah. My brother called me the other day to tell me that she started crawling! Shes so smart and getting so big. It makes me sad that I am missing out. My mom told me a funny story the other day: Rayah is only 9 months and shes starting to talk. She has the work "Momma" down pat its the word "dad" that they are having trouble with. Well the other day in the car she said "Momma and bob!" Apparently when she hears her mom call her dad "babe" she interprets it as "bob" so she calls my brother "bob"!!!!! Hahahahaha hilarious. Shes a damn cute kid!



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