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I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.


Okkkk So I am updating on my goal of reading a book a month...

In December, since my list started towards the end of the month, I read a bunch of little books that I had gotten for Christmas. I've been on this kick lately where I want to find all the books I loved as a kid and buy them. lol.

For the month of January I read Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk.

I went into this book without really knowing what I was getting myself into. In my defense however, if I had known a little more about it I think I would have been just as surprised. I dont think I have ever read a book that has annoyed the crap out of me like this one did. It wasnt like an annoying I wanna throw this book out the window kinda of thing but annoying in a good way... that probably doesnt make sense to you... it makes sense in my head though. lol. I also had a hard time comprehending what exactly certain chapters had to do with other chapters. If you have ever read a Chuck Palahniuk book this is very common with his writings, but in other books I would have a general idea of where it was going but it was completely different with Lullaby. I was expalining all of this to my boyfriend and he told me to just stick with it and that he had a feeling when I was all finished with it that I would have that "Ooohhhhhh" moment where it all just comes together and makes sense. He was right. About half way into the last chapter it all clicked. All in all the book was great but I didnt like it as much as I have liked the rest. I would probably give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars on my likness scale and probably about a 4 out of 5 on the good book scale. That may sound wierd but I am the type of person that can appreciate the literature for what it is even if it wasnt my favorite.



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