About Me

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I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.


I am very excited to report that I have FOUR that's right FOUR goals to cross off my list! I really wanted to start off the new year and the new semester strong so I have been working pretty hard at getting things done.

The first goal completed was...

60. Make a budget for next semester

I did that and figured out how much of my money needed to go to credit card and rent. Now pretty soon Kevin and I will be opening a joint bank account so we can combine our money and start working on consulting each other about the things that we buy. Im feeling pretty good about it and pretty confident that we are going to be able to start putting money in savings soon.


29. Organize the extra bedroom and throw away anything I don't need

The deal with this is that in our apartment we have an entire room that no one is staying in so we decided that we would use it for storage. Well since we moved in the room was never really organized we just threw all the boxes and unused items in there and it was a mess. It got even worse when Christmas came along and I started to pull out all the decorations. I was dreading having to get in there and do it but it needed to get done because it was a total disaster. I mean seriously who really likes to clean? I figured that if I was gonna do it I should probably get it done before the semester started or I would never find the time, so I did. I organized the closet with all the boxes and my roommate Mike and I even turned it into a joint office! It looks badass and I LOVE IT! See for yourself...



Now everything is all nice and pretty and I have my own little nook to get my work done. Its gonna be a great semester.

Now along with setting up the office it only felt natural to complete the goal of

65. Organize Kevin and I's financial documents

I bought a file cabinet for my office and have successfully filed all of our important documents in it and so now I know where they are and I can get to them easily! Whoop!

My last goal is one that Ive been trying to get Kevin to do since he brought them home.

18. Help Kevin get his sports autographs framed

Ive been telling him for months now that he needs to get that done and get them hung somewhere but he never wanted to spend the money. Well he was a bit jealous of mine and Mike's new office so to make him feel better I bought him some frames put his autographs in them and helped him hang them in our bedroom. They look awesome and he is very pleased and no longer jealous. haha.



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