About Me

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I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.



So..... can I change the goals I've already faulted on???

I know that goal #64 is...For every task not completed donate $2 to charity....

But I get $3.0
0 taken out of my check for United Way every pay period so.... that counts


I have new ideas and want new goals...



Kendall said...

I think you can do that, after all, they are your goals and 1001 days is a long time, and life changes. That said, it could be cheating, because you made them for a reason. Just depends if they are even relevant anymore.

TVs Michael Oder said...

At the end of your 1,001 days, if the number of goals not attained is equal to or less than the amount you have already donated, then you have accomplished that goal!

So putting it differently, if you have donated more money than you would have by adding up the goals not completed, then it counts.

I think I'm making sense...

*double checks math*

PS- I'm also working on my next list as well! So any interesting ideas I'll shoot your way!

Anonymous said...

#23 COME SEE ME!!!!!!



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