About Me
- Jesnu
- I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.
So ya not to brag or anything but I am pretty much on a role with my goals. I'm very proud of myself. Anyway....I have definitely been in the cleaning mood the last couple of weeks. Weird I know. This first goal I finished probably made Kevin very happy too.. haha
33. Clean the cluttered drawers and bookshelf in my room
It was really awful as you will see in the pics below. I will never let it get that bad again.. It also helped that Kevin bought me a bookshelf for my office so I was able to move some books in here and have more room in the the one in my room. *Notice the stack of books on the bottom shelf*
AFTERIs it weird that I put my books on the shelf from biggest to smallest? Kevin thinks so...As far as the drawers go... no pics of those for two reasons... I dont want the world seeing my underwear lol and I think its weird to take pictures of the inside of drawers. haha.
The next goal is kinda funny because I'm incredibly organized and neurotic at certain times and about certain things.. like this
62. Start a recipe box
I decided that if I was going to do this I was gonna go all the way. lol. So what I did was found a way to print the recipes onto 3x5 index cards. So each card looks nice and typed and pretty. I also color coded them.. Pink is for main dishes, green for side dishes, yellow for desserts, and orange for cocktails. As seen in the picture below I dont have many recipes yet but I fully expect to start adding some more. I love to cook.
I dont usually color code or organize my things. Lol. That is all for now.. so I will leave you with this...
Clinton my gay rights walrus!
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