About Me
- Jesnu
- I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.
If you are in Kentucky right now then it is perfectly acceptable to wear Ugg Boots.
0 comments Posted by Jesnu at 11:37:00 PMOkkkk So I am updating on my goal of reading a book a month...
In December, since my list started towards the end of the month, I read a bunch of little books that I had gotten for Christmas. I've been on this kick lately where I want to find all the books I loved as a kid and buy them. lol.
For the month of January I read Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk.
I went into this book without really knowing what I was getting myself into. In my defense however, if I had known a little more about it I think I would have been just as surprised. I dont think I have ever read a book that has annoyed the crap out of me like this one did. It wasnt like an annoying I wanna throw this book out the window kinda of thing but annoying in a good way... that probably doesnt make sense to you... it makes sense in my head though. lol. I also had a hard time comprehending what exactly certain chapters had to do with other chapters. If you have ever read a Chuck Palahniuk book this is very common with his writings, but in other books I would have a general idea of where it was going but it was completely different with Lullaby. I was expalining all of this to my boyfriend and he told me to just stick with it and that he had a feeling when I was all finished with it that I would have that "Ooohhhhhh" moment where it all just comes together and makes sense. He was right. About half way into the last chapter it all clicked. All in all the book was great but I didnt like it as much as I have liked the rest. I would probably give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars on my likness scale and probably about a 4 out of 5 on the good book scale. That may sound wierd but I am the type of person that can appreciate the literature for what it is even if it wasnt my favorite.
I finally got my new glasses so now I can cross off
22. Get new glasses
I like them a lot and couldn't be happier. They are drastically different from my other ones but no one seems to notice. lol. The only person other then Kevin to compliment them or even say anything about them was Mindie. I guess some people just are not that observant.
So ya not to brag or anything but I am pretty much on a role with my goals. I'm very proud of myself. Anyway....I have definitely been in the cleaning mood the last couple of weeks. Weird I know. This first goal I finished probably made Kevin very happy too.. haha
33. Clean the cluttered drawers and bookshelf in my room
It was really awful as you will see in the pics below. I will never let it get that bad again.. It also helped that Kevin bought me a bookshelf for my office so I was able to move some books in here and have more room in the the one in my room. *Notice the stack of books on the bottom shelf*
AFTERIs it weird that I put my books on the shelf from biggest to smallest? Kevin thinks so...As far as the drawers go... no pics of those for two reasons... I dont want the world seeing my underwear lol and I think its weird to take pictures of the inside of drawers. haha.
The next goal is kinda funny because I'm incredibly organized and neurotic at certain times and about certain things.. like this
62. Start a recipe box
I decided that if I was going to do this I was gonna go all the way. lol. So what I did was found a way to print the recipes onto 3x5 index cards. So each card looks nice and typed and pretty. I also color coded them.. Pink is for main dishes, green for side dishes, yellow for desserts, and orange for cocktails. As seen in the picture below I dont have many recipes yet but I fully expect to start adding some more. I love to cook.
I dont usually color code or organize my things. Lol. That is all for now.. so I will leave you with this...
Clinton my gay rights walrus!
Im sitting here bored while my hubby plays Fifa on his Xbox so I figured I'd just write an update. I am currently working on some more goals. I went in for an eye exam on Saturday and after going through a series of tests and getting my eyes dialated I learned that for the past 2 years I have been living with a prescription a little bit to strong for my eyes. The doc says thats the reason I have been getting headaches all the time. So I got a new prescription and went and picked out new frames. Now I'm just waiting for them to get in so I can go pick them up! And when thats done #22 on my list will be no more. Whoop! Tomorrow I will be working towards getting my bookshelf and my drawers clean... I cant think of which number that goal is... but its a goal... lol. I have also started putting together my recipe box so once thats done that is another goal to cross off. I am very pleased with all the stuff I have been able to accomplish but I know my time will come where I go on like a 3 month stint of not accomplishing anything... its inevitable. lol Anywhoooo ill updated tomorrow when I finish cleaning!!
I am very excited to report that I have FOUR that's right FOUR goals to cross off my list! I really wanted to start off the new year and the new semester strong so I have been working pretty hard at getting things done.
The first goal completed was...
60. Make a budget for next semester
I did that and figured out how much of my money needed to go to credit card and rent. Now pretty soon Kevin and I will be opening a joint bank account so we can combine our money and start working on consulting each other about the things that we buy. Im feeling pretty good about it and pretty confident that we are going to be able to start putting money in savings soon.
29. Organize the extra bedroom and throw away anything I don't need
The deal with this is that in our apartment we have an entire room that no one is staying in so we decided that we would use it for storage. Well since we moved in the room was never really organized we just threw all the boxes and unused items in there and it was a mess. It got even worse when Christmas came along and I started to pull out all the decorations. I was dreading having to get in there and do it but it needed to get done because it was a total disaster. I mean seriously who really likes to clean? I figured that if I was gonna do it I should probably get it done before the semester started or I would never find the time, so I did. I organized the closet with all the boxes and my roommate Mike and I even turned it into a joint office! It looks badass and I LOVE IT! See for yourself...
Now everything is all nice and pretty and I have my own little nook to get my work done. Its gonna be a great semester.
Now along with setting up the office it only felt natural to complete the goal of
65. Organize Kevin and I's financial documents
I bought a file cabinet for my office and have successfully filed all of our important documents in it and so now I know where they are and I can get to them easily! Whoop!
My last goal is one that Ive been trying to get Kevin to do since he brought them home.
18. Help Kevin get his sports autographs framed
Ive been telling him for months now that he needs to get that done and get them hung somewhere but he never wanted to spend the money. Well he was a bit jealous of mine and Mike's new office so to make him feel better I bought him some frames put his autographs in them and helped him hang them in our bedroom. They look awesome and he is very pleased and no longer jealous. haha.
68. Own an iPod
I actually got my iPod nano for Christmas this year. Its only the 8 GB but im still grateful and I love it!! I was seriously like the only person I know that didnt have one lol.
That is all.
So its been forever since I've made a post. I am currently on Vacation in CO visiting my family and have been without the internet. But I'm back and will return to Texas on Tuesday. Im gonna be honest and tell you that I have hardly thought about my list while on vacation but I promise to get right back on track when I gather my life together again. LOL. The good news though is that even though I have not been concentrating on a certain goal I can still cross one off my list.
72. Encourage someone else to write a 101 list
I have encouraged a couple of my friends but I wanted to wait until one of them actually posted their lists to cross this one off. One of my very best friends Miss Amy Amanda Perez has posted her list and is working towards completing some goals! YAY!!! Please check out her blog and list here: http://sycamoredown.blogspot.com/
Hooray. I will definitly post later with the details of my trip!!
Happy New Year! Its Gonna Be A GOOD Year!!!!!!!!!