About Me
- Jesnu
- I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.
So..... can I change the goals I've already faulted on???
I know that goal #64 is...For every task not completed donate $2 to charity....
But I get $3.00 taken out of my check for United Way every pay period so.... that counts
I have new ideas and want new goals...
I GOT A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and with that I can cross off another goal.
79. Get a Car of my own
Its a 2010 Kia Soul- Red. We got a GREAT deal on it. Kevin and I both love it sooooooooooooo much! It has blue tooth and a bad ass stereo. I've never been more excited about a material item in my life! Lol.
Its also very weird to think that I am married and as a married couple Kevin and I made our first big kid purchase and bought a car... WEIRD.
95. Develop collection of Gene Kelly things...
This is another one of those vague goals I made that could probably be considered a cop out but.... whatevs. lol.
Michael Oder actually helped me out with this... for my birthday he bought me a Gene Kelly movie box set.. it had 5 of his movies in it....I also have managed to obtain a couple of Gene Kelly books as well a Singin' In The Rain poster.. so ya I have significantly more Gene Kelly stuff now then when I started.... that counts right?
I just wanted to give an update on one of the goals I am working on...
9. Lose 30 lbs.
So when I started this list on December 9, 2008 I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I weighed in at 165 lbs. :-( Its hard for me to believe that I ever got that big.
Well it is now January 18, 2011 a little over 2 years later and I am happy to say that I have lost 23 lbs! I am almost there!!!
24. Be an angel at christmas (buy a gift for a child from an angel tree)
Kevin and I did the angel tree at Stonebriar mall this year... we got 5-7 year old boy: Spiderman. lol very vague but still fun. We got some really cool spiderman action figures. I hope he liked them.
42. 1 month (30 days) without drinking alcohol [0/30]
Kevin is my witness Ive actually gone about two months without drinking any alcohol. Wasnt as hard and I thought it would be....
Kind of a boring post but needed to cross some stuff off...
I have however completed a few goalsss so I guess not all is lost.
86. Get an apartment or house with no roommates. Just me and Kevin
Done and Done!
We moved into our apartment on October 1st. Its a one bedroom with a HUGE bathroom complete with a built in Vanity for me and TWO walk in closets! Its glorious. We are living in Irving now right across the street from the Cowboys training facility. We love it here.. I wish I had pictures to post but sadly we still dont have the place set up the way we want it... There are still boxes and crap everywhere. LOL. SOMEDAY we will be organized! I'll post pictures then. :-)
73. Own 10 more dresses/skirts
Believe it or not I am starting to wear dresses and skirts more often. Crazy I know... but I have to get all girly and dressed up for my job so......... I now own more dresses and skirts then I have ever owned in my entire life.
38. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
Sooooo Here's what I've come to realize.. It is damn near impossible to complete a puzzle alone... not because its difficult but because whenever there is a puzzle around everyone wants to help. So I picked out the perfect 1000 piece puzzle for this goal... it was a murder mystery puzzle.. you read a story and then put the puzzle together, look at the image and solve the mystery... I was about halfway through with the puzzle when some friends came over to hangout and they wanted to help me, I couldn't say no... so alas we finished it together.. but none the less we finished it.. thus completing my goal.
6. Get a job
This one is a little interesting... I was recently promoted to Assistant Manager at Nordstrom for my department. Its a salaried position, my first salaried job.. so I'm counting it.. I'm making close to what Kevin makes so.... ya. Ill count it as a real job. lol.
7. Get engaged
8. Get married or set a date to be married
Funny story... Kevin and I were engaged for like 5 days and then we got married. :-) Here's how it all went down.. We've known for a long time that we wanted to get married and spend the rest of our lives together... However we always talked about how we wanted to wait until we had the money to have the big wedding and buy the ring... well considering we've been saying this for the past 3 years it finally occurred to us that we were going to be waiting forever...
We quickly realized that we didn't need the hassle of the big wedding and the waiting for the planning, so we just went for it.
We were married on December 1, 2010 at the JP in Irving, Texas. Our only guests were Kevin's mother and father and My two mothers. It was perfect. We went to dinner afterward to celebrate. I couldn't be happier.

Soooooo another one bites the dust!
I have completed goal 11. Baptize Rayah
I recently returned from a very quick trip to Colorado. The main purpose was to be there to see my little Sissy graduate from high school and since I was going to be there anyway everyone decided that it wouldbe the perfect time for me to baptize little Rayah Ruby. Great idea.
Though the trip was fast it went by very smoothly. I got to see Mari graduate which was AWESOME, I wouldn't have missed that for anything. I'm soooooooooooo proud of her. Then the day before I left my brother's best friend Tobias and I baptized my niece Rayah. The ceremony was at St. Cajetan's Catholic Church- The exact same church both my brother and I were baptized at and coincidentally enough Father Tomas, the exact same priest that baptized both me and Tony was the priest who baptized Rayah! It was pretty cool.
She looked beautiful, the day before my sister in law Keziah and I went out and bought her, her Christening dress along with shoes and all the proper baptismal items. It was nice bonding time for us. The ceremony was nice, Rayah of course cried the entire time especially when the water was poured on her head. lol. But all in all it was nice. I am officially her God Mother and Toby is officially her God Father. Its a relief to finally have that done.
She cant say Nina so she calls me Nana. It melts my heart. I wish I could see her everyday.
Oh yaa so as one of the God parents it was my job to come up with a baptismal name for her and after thinking about every name I could and not liking any of them my genius of step mom suggested "Nicole". Perfect, especially because MY middle name is NICOLE! So my precious little God Daughter is named after her Nina!

So my last blog post was October 4th 2009.... REALLY?!
It seems as though I have let things get away from me since graduation. :-( Things have been tough and only seem to be getting tougher.. despite living out of a box for the past 10 months it seems as though Kevin and I are back in the same position of uncertainty we were in before graduation. Kevin's internship is up in July so yet again he is looking for a position *of course all he can find is more internships.* Its almost like things came full circle... completely...
Again his current employer is showing interest in making his stay permanent but again it all depends on a thousand different factors with a thousand different scenarios. We're trying not to get our hopes up.
As for me, I'm just along for the ride. I will go wherever Kevin goes. That is the sacrifice I am making for out relationship and I am completely ok with it... dont really even see it as a sacrifice really.. my father on the other hand.... "You're letting your degree go to waste, you should worry about you now and your relationship later" yaaaaaaaa cuz that worked out so well for you didnt it dad?
Anyway....... So my goals list... even though I havnt been blogging I have been getting some goals out of the way... not as many as I'd like but a few...
10. Grow my hair out to the middle of my back
Its sooooooo long now I love it! Its been forever since I've had long hair. I think Kevin would prefer me to cut it short again but.. NOT GONNA DO IT!!!!!!!! hahaha
26. Own more professional looking clothes
Ok so I'm altering the definition of "professional" a little bit on this one. Since working at Nordstrom I have had a complete wardrobe makeover. I'm wearing things I never would have had the guts to wear a year ago. Since I am in sales and my product is clothing I have to dress the part and sell the goods. I get a lot of it for free and a lot of it I pay for but let me tell you... these clothes have done wonders for my confidence!!!!!!! They are still somewhat casual however they are nicer then anything I ever owned before. This still counts right? ;-)
43. Get a massage
I've been having a lot of back problems lately...*the bed I sleep on hates me* Well after complaining for months about it Kevin's parents bought me a massage at massage envy.. It was wonderfullll and very therapeutic.
66. Go on a real romantic date with Kevin
For our 4 year anniversary Kevin and I went all out. We got dressed up really fancy and went to dinner. We got sushi at Pirhana again and it was phenomenal again, then we walked the shops at the Arlington Highlands and stopped at Houlihans for drinks and french fries haha and ended the night by checking into a hotel room...No details there. :-) It was perfect and much needed.
89. Own a Wii
The parental bought Kevin and I a Wii for Christmas! woooooooo.
99. Get student loans organized so I know who needs to get paid and when
Everything is organized and easy. I have income based repayment and only have to pay about $200 a month for all of them which is nice.. Kevin doesnt have to pay a penny since he doesnt make very much so he got all his loans deferred. Sweet.
I've also let some get away from me... and I'm mad at myself for that..
4. Read a book a month [10/33]
This one really kills me.. I wanted to so bad to keep up with this goal but since my life got turned upside down I couldnt keep up with it. I cant wait to get my own place with my own space and my books out of storage and start reading again.
I want to try and get back into this, I think it will be good for me. So get on me about it! Just scream at me "JESSICA GET YOUR LAZY ASS TO THAT COMPUTER AND BLOGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" hahaha
What?! Its Baseball Season!
LOVE this book. I've read it several times and it creeps me out everytime.
I do wish, however, that I didnt know anything about the book before I read it because I believe that if I hadnt already known that Jekyll and Hyde were the same person then the book would have scared me a lot more.