About Me
- Jesnu
- I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.
I have still managed to accomplish 2 goals.

I know I am really early on this one but since Im supposed to be moving this month I figured Id better get a head start so I don't have to worry about it later in the month. So this month I read The Virgin Suicides by Jeffery Eugenides
I am a big fan of this book. Its very unique and Weird and I love it. I defintely recommend this book if you're into that sort of thing.
After I read the book I watched the movie.. I had seen the movie a long time ago but couldnt really remember a lot about it. I was extremely pleased with how true to the book the movie was until the end. The movie left out what I believe a crucial part of the ending causing the movie to lack the true emotion the author was looking for.