About Me
- Jesnu
- I'm a college graduate waiting to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. I love baby hippos, cooking, and my boyfriend Kevin.
I have successfully finished my book for the month. I am a day late from posting but I assure you I finshed it yesterday haha. I decided to go on a much less serious route and chose a satirical piece of work entitled:
The Self-Destruction Handbook: 8 Simple Steps to an Unhealthier You
The 8 Chapters detail the 8 main self destructive behaviors and go into other sub-categories. Its basically a lesson plan.
The 8 chapters are:
1. 12 Steps to a Drinking Problem
2. Why Smoking is Cool
3. Your brain on drugs
4. The "Rules" for a Dysfunctional Daters
5. The Man and Mistress guide to Infidelity
6. Condoms are for Suckers
7. How to Lose Way Too Much Weight in 90 Days
8. The Ins and Outs of Self-Mutilation
If you are easily offended, and take things too seriously, this book is NOT for you. If you can take a joke and can handle some crudeness then go for it. I enjoyed this book and laughed quite a bit. I would give it 3 out of 5 stars.
Work Schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Baseball vs. Rice
Wednesday: Men's bb vs. Northwestern State
Thursday: Baseball vs. Utah
Friday: Baseball vs. UTA
Saturday: Baseball vs. UTA - Softball vs. Northwestern State (DH) - Men's bb vs. Texas State
Sunday: Baseball vs. UTA - Softball vs. Northwestern State
Its going to be an equally as stressful and busy week.
At least my anniversary is on Tuesday.
I figured I'd write since I have some downtime. I'm at the baseball stadium waiting for game 2 of the SHSU Bearkat Classic to start. This game is Sam Houston vs. Saint Mary's but I wont bore you with another baseball blog.
Today the trial against Ernesto Reyes came to a conclusion. In September of 2007 a friend of Kevin's from high school, Melanie Goodwin was murdered. Ernesto Reyes is the man they believed was responsible. The trial started earlier this week and came to a close today. He was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The death penalty was taken off the table because after the murder he fled to Mexico and in order for the Mexican government to allow his extradition back to the states the prosecution has to ensure they wouldn't fight for a death sentence.
Given the circumstances I believe that the Goodwin family, and Melanie's friends received the best possible outcome. I hope this bring them all the peace they need. Melanie can now rest in peace.
Today started off good. I got to sleep in until like 11, no class, not a damn thing to do. Kevin and I cleaned our room and the kitchen and then decided to go to the store for dinner. We got a baguette, cream cheese, capers, and smoked salmon. We drank it with some wine and it was DELICIOUS!
At some point after dinner I went to put my jeans in the dryer and when I opened the washer my jeans were sitting in a pool of soapy water. The washer broke. Fantastic. So we called Drew to see if we could come over and use his washer just to wash this load of jeans so they don't have to sit soaking wet over night. He's a good friend. So we went over there and watched the end of the stars game and movie trailers. It was very relaxing and fun.
I was really irritated at some point because we didn't get invited to the "party" that all our friends were at. Some friends huh. I am also irritated because this weekend is the busiest weekend of the semester and my boss still has not sent out a schedule. I mean seriously hes had ALL FUCKING WEEK! Jason is a good guy and I love him but sometimes hes worthless as a boss. I guess it's not that big of deal since we see him pretty much everyday but I would like to know what I am going to be doing ahead of time and not an hour before he wants me at work.
Bleh... OK now I am going to go drink my wine and make some cubees.
Bearkat softball did not get the sweep. :-( They lost 5-3 but ended up going to extra innings. They were tied 2-2 until the top of the 10th when we have up a 3 run homer. Very sad but its ok. Brandi our pitcher pitched a total of 20 innings through the series.. thats pretty impressive. So we are proud of that.
Women's bb beat McNeese 81-71. Both teams are awful! They went into the game with the same record.
Men's bb won too... I dont remember the score but I know they won by 15.
Lent started today...
Red Meat
Those are my sacrifices.
I'm not a religious person by any means but it does give me an excuse to start eating better.
I'm gonna try to make this story as simplistic and short as possible.. So the SHSU Softball team started their 3 game series, with rival school SFA, with a double header today. We won game 1 2-0. Game 2 was much more exciting. The Kats were not playing to good, they gave up a home run and were down 2-0 at the bottom of the 4th, they just couldnt get a break. They gave up two more runs in the top of the 7th making the score 4-0.
At some point SFA's bitchy coach *Gay McNutt- ya thats her real name* decides that shes goin to be fecisious and have a little meeting with the umpires about a roster violation on our part * Dr. Bob the volunteer assistant coach put the wrong number on our lineup for our pitcher, or something like that* So to punish us for it they give one of SFA's batter's another shot at the plate luckily we strike her out! The girls were still down 4-0 so they knew they had to step it up in the last half inning if they wanted to win. And they did just that... or SFA just sucks that much. haha. The girls ended up getting 4 runs to tie the game with 1 out. SFA decides that to sub someone and our coach notices that they didnt tell the umpire so he decides that hes going to do exactally what they did and argue the substitution violation and get us another shot at the plate. We got it and guess what happens with runners on first and second Callie Woods get the walk off RBI single to win the game!!!!!!!! Can you say KARMA!!!!!!!!
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is that?!?!?!?! We play our third game of the series tomorrow and hopefully we will get the sweep!!!
Baseball played tonight also against Prarie view A&M and they won 12-1. That wasnt a suprise though. When Kevin and I went down to the field to take the coaches their stat sheet our Coach, Coach Johnson was taking pictures wearing a batting helmet and with baseballs in his sleeves to look like muscles and he was in the flexing pose. hahahahaha it was hilarious! I love that man.
This week is going to be a long one. Tomorrow we have softball and women's basketball. Thursday nothing. and then Friday through Sunday we have the SHSU Baseball Classic and we are doing stats for EVERY game. At least its money. lol.
So for the past 6 hours my neighbor has had her dog locked up in the bathroom. And for the past 6 hours the dog has been losing its shit. He's crying, barking and scratching. I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!!! I went over there when I first heard it 6 HOURS AGO and no one was home. I'm pretty sure the dog is still home alone because no body would be able to put up with that.. I mean I'm in the next apartment.. imagine whats its like in that apartment. I feel so bad. I mean ya the dog is annoying but its not the dog's fault its being neglected and locked up in a room all day. I'm really hoping that they come home soon so that I can actually sleep tonight.
I miss my niece Rayah. My brother called me the other day to tell me that she started crawling! Shes so smart and getting so big. It makes me sad that I am missing out. My mom told me a funny story the other day: Rayah is only 9 months and shes starting to talk. She has the work "Momma" down pat its the word "dad" that they are having trouble with. Well the other day in the car she said "Momma and bob!" Apparently when she hears her mom call her dad "babe" she interprets it as "bob" so she calls my brother "bob"!!!!! Hahahahaha hilarious. Shes a damn cute kid!
I just finished watching the Oscars. It was sooooo much better then previous years. Awards shows always seemed a bit impersonal to me you know the usual listing of the nominees and calling out who won...the only interesting parts were listening to the speeches and even those were ruined by rude music if they went to long. Well this time they changed it up a bit. For the actor awards they actually had past winners that spoke directly to each nominee, praising them for their work. It was incredibly touching.
Hugh Jackman hosted this year. Good choice. He was fun, he did skits and sang songs. It was awesome, they even did an entire musical montage.
There were also a few emotional moments tonight. The first was when Dustin Lance Black won best original screenplay for "Milk". His acceptance speech was incredible. He thanked his mother for loving him as a gay man even when people didnt think she should and he encouraged other gay and lesbian's to stand up for themselves and not listen to hatred. He told them that God doesnt hate them and that they are loved and to stay strong. <3> I also teared up when Heath Ledger won and his family accepted his award on his behalf. Very emotional moment, not a dry seat in the house.
Overall I was really satisfied with all the winners. Kate Winslet was very deserving as was Sean Penn, althought I wouldnt have been upset if Mickey Rourke won. Hes definitly turned his life around and I hope big things come his way. Of course I was incredibly excited that Slumdog Millionaire took home the Oscar for Best Picture. They deserved it. The movie took home a total of 8 statues including Director, orginal score and original song.
It was a good night.
I am currently sitting at home with a glass of wine trying to relax. My day didn't start off too early but non the less it was busy. I had to be to Don Sander's Stadium at noon for the one o'clock baseball game. It was raining when we got there and the game was delayed a good ten minutes. We ended up winning the first game 4-3 in 10 innings. It was a double header so the second game started 30 min after the first and we also won that 7-5. The baseball team is on a role with a 3-0 start and will hopefully win tomorrow and get the shut out. Its going to be exciting.
I had to leave the second baseball game early to head down to the coliseum for the Men's bb game against UTSA. I was a little worried about this game considering we have been losing lately. Luckily we not only won but we kicked the shit out of them. The final score ended up being 89-67. UTSA had a player on their team that flopped every chance he got it was ridiculous. At one point at the ened of the game he was trying to get all up on Drae Murray and he ended up falling over the poor shot clock guy and actually hurting himself. He got what he deserved. lol. A few of their fans came painted and were talking a lot of crap at the begining of the game but our team shut them up pretty quick. Im glad they won.
The women also played today but of course they were away. They got DOMINATED by UTSA 85-54 and as of right now they are out of the tournament. It makes me sad because I had high hopes for them. O'well I guess. Tomorrow is another day... Another day where I have to do stats for baseball. haha.
This post's picture is brought to you by the US National Soccer team:
Carlos Bocenegra. He is so damn handsome!
When I feel like an oar in a sunken canoe. All I've got to do is climb the ladder to you
0 comments Posted by Jesnu at 11:54:00 PMSo I was reading my old journal entries today from when Kevin and I first started dating and they made me smile. Its funny how incredibly head over heels I was/am for him. I like looking back and seeing that everything I feel about him now is the same I felt about him then. I can honestly say that I know what love feels like. Its pretty much amazing. He's amazing and I am truly fortunate. I can't wait until after graduation when we can truly start a life together. :-)
When I'm caught in a net and I haven't a clue
All I've got to do is climb the ladder to you
Climb the Ladder
When there are ghosts in my coat
and everything is askew
All I've got to do is climb the ladder to you
Climb the ladder to you
All of these faces are crowding around me
with mouths open wide to devour
But they have no impact no I do not cower
knowing I'm safe in your tower
When my pencil tips broken and my brain is too
All I've got to do is climb the ladder to you
Climb the ladder
When I feel like an oar in a sunken canoe
All I've got to do is climb the ladder to you
Climb the ladder to you
All of these faces are crowding around me
like grey paint caked on a flower
But they have no impact no value no power
knowing I'm safe in your tower

*I'm letting it all go. I don't care anymore. It doesn't matter, all that matters is in the present and not the past. I'm going to stop making myself sick and depressed about it because its just not worth it. If they don't want to be in my life then fine. I know who my real friends are. I'm moving on.*
This shouldnt be bothering me but it is. I really dont understand how people can just stop being friends. Especially when they were incredibly close and had been through a lot together. I have lost so many friends in the past 3 years its incredibly depressing. I could probably list the people I have lost
Travis because he was jealous of my relationship with Kevin
Mason because I was the only person that would tell him the truth about his "fiance" and try keep him off the drugs
Max because... well I dont know... I guess because Kevin and I would be real with him and not let him sell himself short and wallow in self pity
Jordan because his wife hates me for some unknown reason
I mean seriously I was friends with all four of them for more then 4 years and they all meant so much to me yet they all stopped talking to me. I guess I just didnt mean that much to them. Im not a bad person and I dont want to blame myself but whats the common denominator here..
I really wish I could just let all of this go but its not that easy for me. I want answers.
I am sitting here in Johnson Coliseum waiting for the Men's basketball game against Lamar to start. The last time we played Lamar was away and we won in double overtime... This game is going to be interesting. Its also "faith night" here and there is a live band. Its a christian band by the name of "Becken" they are pretty good... if you're into that kind of music... they have a saxaphone in their band and thats just badass within itself.
In other news...
We got our cable company to take off last month's bill. We had to call them at least 6 times because there were seriously 15 channels that were not working.. well they were working but all 15 of them were one of 3 channels. It was ridiculous.
On the way to work we got pulled over for speeding... luckily the cop was suuuuper nice and gave us a warning. I was shocked considering the cops in this town are usually very mean and try to over compensate for something..
We did however get a freaking parking ticket at the field house. Lame.
You win some you lose some I guess.
I have recently become incredibly obsessed with this song "I always knew" by Tilly and the Wall. I havnt become completely obsessed with a song since I heard "Question" by Old 97's. Ive been really nostalgic lately "Thanks to Mike making me want to read my old Xanga posts* about everything and I think the song kinda represents a really hard time in my life. *Freshman year of college* Its not like it was a horrible year but I definitly did some personal growing and boy am I glad I did. I am a completely different person now, for the better. I have also finally found someone I can not live without and am very fortunate for that. * LOVE YOU BABY*
Alrighty well I believe it is time to go to work. EAT UM' UP KATS!!!!!!!!!
Imaginary friends that always knew one day I'd leave for good
I'll give away this girl who tried to make you fall i love
I'll give her to you so keep her close to you
So you won't forget about oh how she loved you
So long ago, once upon a time
Now she has grown up, and you can't take it back
A lullaby won't change my mind
And I won't ever go back to that
I will stay true to this belief that we've changed
For the best through this
Seperate the ones who know you
From the ones who couldn't bother to see you for all that there is
Deep down I always knew all the times
I thought that I loved you
It was just an easy answer
It was make believe
But I still believe that this heart will learn to love
So this week alone we have 7 games.. and Ill be working probably 6 of them.
The week goes as follows:
Tuesday Softball double header
Wednesday Men's Basketball
Friday Baseball
Saturday Baseball double header AND Men's Basketball
Sunday Baseball
IM IN THE MONEY!! Hahah. Next week is more of the same...
Tuesday Softball double header AND Baseball
Wednesday Softball and Women's basketball
Friday Saturday and Sunday SHSU baseball classic
Im looking forward to all the work I just hope that I can maintain my job and school work all at the same time. Its gonna be tough but I think I can do it.
I need to start working on my 20 page research paper due at the end of the semester. :-(
I made this for sammy and he set it as default on facebook.
Valentine's day has never been a big deal for either me or Kevin but this year we actually did stuff. The day started off with heart shaped waffles, bacon, and starbucks coffee. Haha I know we are pretty lame but it was delicious.
Then we had to go work the Women's bb game. They lost. It sucked.
After we got home we sat around and calmed down from the game and then decided on what to do for dinner. We ordered Italian food to go and while Kevin when out to pick it up I dressed the table all fancy and we had a candle lit dinner. Which reminds me... thats another goal to cross off...
81. Have a candle lit dinner with Kevin.
Awesome! For dessert we has champagne, chocolate covered cherries, pecan turtles, and chocolate truffles. *The truffles were phenomenal!*
When that was all done we exchanged gifts and then sat around and watched About a Boy. It was a good night!
Class was canceled today and I got to sleep in! Kinda. I helped Kevin shoot his second episode of his webisode "Bearkat Close Up". lol. He is doing this show for his internship where he does a player profile. *I blogged about it earlier this week I think* His profile for episode 2 is on Leesa Ailshie from the Women's bb team. She taught him how to shoot 3s haha. It was very entertaining. She was a good sport and very funny. It was a lot of fun. We also picked the song for this episode. For the first one with Lance Pevehouse he picked Come out and Play by The Offspring and for the next one we both decided on All My Life by Foo Fighters. Badass song!!!! Hopefully this next episode turns out just as good as the first one!
Tomorrow is Valentines day and we have to work. Its ok though because we have plans afterwards. Also tomorrow is Think Pink night at Johnson Colliseum in support of breast cancer awareness. It couldnt come at a better time because my best friend Charlie's aunt is fighting her second battle with breast cancer and isnt expected to make it through the end of the month. She is expected to go peacefully though. Please pray for her and her family.
I have been extremely nostalgic today. Today is my little sister's birthday and she turned 17. I was like one of those crazy moms that sits around and cries about how her children are growing up so fast. Seriously though, ask Mike, I was in the office looking at picture of my sister when she was little and almost crying. Haha. Its kinda different though considering I live in a different state and only get to see her about once a year. Twice if I am lucky. I miss her a lot and it sucks that I cant be there to spend time with her. So to make up for it I bought her some presents and wrapped them and put together an awesome box of goodies to mail to her. I hope she likes it.
Another thing I did tonight is make white knot ribbons. These ribbons represent marriage equality. The website www.whiteknot.org was brought to my attention when I saw Dave Grohl *the most amazing man ever* of the foo fighter wore a white knot ribbon to the grammys. I decided that I was going to make some and see if I can get some people to wear them. Marriage equality is something I feel very strongly about and I hope that one day my mom and my stepmom will have the opportunity to tie the knot, legally.
It was not a good night in bearkat athletics. The women's bb team lost to Nicholls State 76-74 giving them their first win of the season. The women still have not won an away game. The men's bb team also lost to Nicholls. This loss was much more heart breaking because the two teams were fighting for #1 in the conference. It was a hard fought game but it just wasnt in the cards. It also sucked that much more because I was actually at this game and I got to see Nicholls score the winning two pointer with 6 seconds left. bleh. The softball team also lost tonight however its not that dissapointing considering they went to 13 innings with the #5 team in the nations; Texas A&M. I only got to see the first 3 innings but I bet the rest of the game was good too. Being that I work for the athletic department I have grown very attached to my SHSU teams and when they lost I feel like crap. Lol. Anywayyyyy....
So 12th Street Sports Bar debuted today on FCS. My boyfriend's mom watched it and said it looked really good. That is very very exciting. We didnt get to watch it on tv because 1 we dont have that channel and 2 we were at work when it was on. We did however get to watch a copy of it that we obsconded from TV 78. Its a good show and I wish for big things. I am very proud of everyone that is involved in the show. They work hard.
I guess I should get going considering I have a test tomorrow and I still have 3 essay questions I have to map out. Lol.
Have a good night.
So my boyfriend Kevin is on a role! He has been working very hard on his web show for his internship and today it paid off. He does a player profile for each sport at Sam Houston. His first episode was Lance Pevehouse, a player on the Men's basketball team. He interviewed him and even got out on the court and did some shooting with him. He directed, hosted and produced it all by himself. It looks great. His editing is awesome! Check it out!
I have to take some credit too.. I made the awesome title page graphic. haha
As you can tell I am also working on one of my goals..
27. Write in a journal/blog for 30 consecutive days [0/30]
I have been writing a blog post everyday for like what 7 days now.. lol. Only a few more days to go!
I found this awesome picture today. Someone submitted it to one of those bling sites... you know where they make everything all sparkly and shit... haha Everone needs a little bling now and then.
I am about to leave to go watch the taping of the first 12th street sports bar that will air on Fox College Sports on Wednesday February 11 at 4:30 pm. My hubby is on the show has one of the analysts and we are suuuuuuuuuper excited about it going national. I just hope and pray that something good comes out of it.
So instead of working on my 18 essay question review for Juvenile Delinquency I decided to pimp my blog. Its a good thing my test isn't until Thursday! haha. Let me know what ya think.
So I had a busy weekend... Saturday I worked softball at 11 then I had to walk down the hill to the coliseum to go work the women's basketball game at 2 and after that game I had to walk back up the hill to the softball complex to work the last game of the day and then Sunday I worked 3 straight softball games. fun stuff. Its good money though. AAAANNNDDD Women's and Men's basketball both won on Saturday and Softball won all 4 of their games this weekend and 3 of 4 were finished by the 5th inning because we run ruled them. Pretty sweet. It was a good weekend in the Bearkat sports world.
**Men with ceramic hands shouldn't catch softballs**
**Men with ceramic shoulders shouldn't become umpires**
Haha fun times.
I'm having a hard time coming up with things for my list. :-( I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!! Kevin said that he could come up with like 8 accomplishes I have made right off the top of his head... Wtf I cant even come up with more then 3. He also told me he wouldnt help me because It was something that I needed to do on my own for myself. Well Poo.
I've decided that the next goal I'll be working on is
90. Make a list of all the things you have accomplished in your life thus far
I've kinda been down in the dumps lately and having major self-esteem issues and I think by doing this it will help. I don't really know what my problem has been. Hopefully this will help me get out of my funk.
I have decided that I am going to tweak one of my goals... I mean I have that right don't I? lol. The goal I am altering is:
13. Buy a book a month
Now you're probably thinking "Why would you change that it seems simple enough". Well here is the thing this month alone I have purchased id say about 7 books.. ill have to look and get a definite number later and then ill post a list and keep up with it. Anyway.. So I figured that since I bought so many books last month I probably wont buy any next month... if I continue to spend all our money on books I think Kevin might leave me. hahaha. So here's what I am thinking.. the new goal will now be:
13. Buy 50 books before the end of the 1001 days
Now I am providing some stipulations for myself.. they HAVE to be books that I buy for MYSELF. I cant like buy some books as a present for my sister and add it to my list... the whole point is to add to my book collection. So ya.. Coooooooooooool.
I have also decided that I will end each post with a picture... sometimes they will be pictures that have something to do with the post and sometimes random.. like this one....
The caption for the picture is: My wife hates my beard